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Route State

It may be useful to store state for a given route to improve your user's experience. In situations like a form that a user might fill out, it might be useful to store form values in the browser state so that if the user navigates unexpectedly the values can be restored when going back. Kitbag Router extends this functionality by offering the same param experience on state as well.

import { createRoute } from '@kitbag/router'

const route = createRoute({ 
  name: 'example-form',
  state: {
    email: String,
    active: Boolean,

Always Optional

State properties are always expected to be optional. The only exception to this is when your state property is defined with the withDefault utility.

const route = createRoute({ 
  name: 'example-form',
  state: {
    email: String,
    active: Boolean, 
    active: withDefault(Boolean, false), 

Reading State

Accessing the runtime values can be found on a route's state property

const route = useRoute('example-form')

Writing State

There is a state property on router push and replace, which can be used to set state according to the routes state params.

router.push('example-form', {}, {
  email: '',

The state values on the route are writable. This means that you can just modify the values directly and Kitbag Router will handle the communication with browser to update history state. You can use route.update() method which takes the same properties as push().