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Routes are used to define the structure of your application and to provide a way to navigate between different parts of your application or to an external address. You can define routes within your application using the createRoute function.

import { createRoute } from '@kitbag/router'

const home = createRoute({
  name: 'home',
  path: '/',


The name property is used to identify the route. Name is optional but a route without a name cannot be navigated to directly. Each route mush have a unique name.

const home = createRoute({
  name: 'home',
  path: '/',


The path property is used to define the pathname part of the route's url.

const home = createRoute({
  name: 'home',
  path: '/',


The query property is used to define the search part of the route's url. If a query is provided, a url must include a search string that matches the query.

const homeAddCampaign = createRoute({
  name: '',
  path: '/',
  query: 'campaign=black-friday',


The hash property is used to define the hash part of the route's url. If a hash is provided, a url's hash must match exactly.

const contact = createRoute({
  name: '',
  path: '/',
  hash: 'contact',


The parent property is used to create nested routes. In this example, blogPost route's path is combined with the blog route's path to form the full url. A route inherits many of its parent's properties. Specifically, path, query, meta, state, and hash are all combined.

const blog = createRoute({
  name: 'blog',
  path: '/blog',

const blogPost = createRoute({
  parent: blog,
  name: 'blogPost',
  path: '/:postId',


The component property is used to define the component that will be rendered when the route is active. Component is optional and a RouterView will be rendered if no component is provided.

import HomeView from './components/HomeView.svelte'

const home = createRoute({
  name: 'home',
  path: '/',
  component: HomeView,


The components property is used to define multiple components for named views. This is used instead of the component property.

import HomeView from './components/HomeView.vue'
import HomeSidebar from './components/HomeSidebar.vue'

const home = createRoute({
  name: 'home',
  path: '/',
  components: {
    default: HomeView,
    sidebar: HomeSidebar,


The props property is used to define props for route components. It must be a callback function that returns an object. Everything returned from the callback will be bound to the component.

import HomeView from './components/HomeView.vue'

const home = createRoute({
  name: 'home',
  path: '/',
  component: HomeView,
  props: () => ({
    userId: 1,


The props callback receives two arguments:

paramsAn object containing the values of any params from the route. See Params for more details.
contextAn object containing helper methods for navigation (push, replace, reject). See PropsCallbackContext for more details.

Return Type

The props callback must return an object or a promise that resolves to an object. The object must satisfy the props for the component.


The meta property is used to define metadata for the route. Meta is optional and can be used to define static metadata for the route to reference in the router route or in hooks

import HomeView from './components/HomeView.vue'

const home = createRoute({
  name: 'home',
  path: '/',
  component: HomeView,
  meta: {
    title: 'Home',


The state property is used to define optional data that can stored on the route in the browser's history. State is always optional, but it can be used to pass data to the route when navigating or to preserve state when navigating away from the route.

import HomeView from './components/HomeView.vue'

const home = createRoute({
  name: 'home',
  path: '/',
  component: HomeView,
  state: {
    userId: Number


Hooks can be defined on a individual route. Each hook can be a function or an array of functions. See Hooks for more information about hooks.

import HomeView from './components/HomeView.vue'

const home = createRoute({
  name: 'home',
  path: '/',
  component: HomeView,
  onBeforeRouteEnter: () => {
    console.log('before route enter')


Routes can be prefetched to improve performance. See the Prefetching documentation for more information.

const home = createRoute({
  name: 'home',
  path: '/',
  prefetch: {
    components: 'lazy',
    props: 'intent'